Behavioral Consultation for Children with Autism & Related Developmental Differences

Support an Inclusive Environment

What can Teachers Do to Support an Inclusive Environment with Subtle Supports that Work for Everyone?

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This workshop is designed for BCBAs, BCaBAs, teachers, parents, and all who are involved in remote curriculum development for various learners, including those on the Autism Spectrum.

This workshop will facilitate attendees to:

1. Consider learning differences that exist for individuals and small groups within any inclusive classroom; and recognize the need to step away from didactic instruction and into more modern approaches to educating today's students.

2. Develop user-friendly strategies for differentiated instruction for these various learners.

3. Create classroom management strategies that are easy to develop and remain consistent in utilizing, promoting a more supportive environment for all students.

4. Begin recognizing opportunities to supplement the classroom environment with proactive strategies that support the most vulnerable or struggling students - that also benefit everyone!

2 Type 2 BACB CEUs Available for Attending